Anyone who loves
the performing arts knows that it is harder than ever to fund
productions. Groups like the SRO face ever mounting production
costs. Ticket sales are never enough.
We rely on the generous support of people who believe in the
value of live performance. There are many ways you can contribute to
the lively arts.
We have four levels of individual supporters:
Conductor's Circle
Any contribution is welcome. All donations to SRO are tax deductible.
For more information, contact the State Repertory Opera
by sending email to
or use our
Feedback/Mailing-List form,
or contact us at:
State Repertory Opera 363 W. South Orange Ave South
Orange, NJ 07079 Phone: (973)763-7969 Fax:
SRO is a non-profit organization under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.